End confusion and hopelessness…

Find joy and live again.

Therapy for adults and families affected by their loved one’s addiction.

My clients struggle as you do. Despite being in love, committed, loyal, and giving - life is hard.


Their constant concern for their loved ones gets in the way of the life they want in so many ways. They are not the person they want to be or living the life they deserve. They feel they are failing at everything. And their zest for life is waning and confidence in themselves barely exists.

Before my clients came to see me…

  • They were tired of broken promises, fighting, embarrassing experiences in public, lack of connection with their partner, ruined holidays, and disappointing vacations.

    They were shouldering all the responsibility of protecting their loved one from harm or consequences. And they were pretty certain that no one understood.

  • They’ve heard lies frequently, experienced infidelity, and financial or legal problems. They were worried and angry all the time, and felt the weight of the world on their shoulders. They felt like they had to hold it together or everything would fall apart. They didn’t feel free to express their anger or confront their loved one, for fear of the response.

  • And they wondered how doing therapy themselves could fix their situation, because they were not the one with the “problem”. They felt guilty for being frustrated and drained. And they worried that taking care of themselves is mean or not loving. But they were running on empty, and they didn’t know how much longer they could go on.


If you are like my clients, it is likely that you are experiencing the following:

  • You worry about how much your loved one drinks or uses.

  • You have money problems because of your loved one’s drinking or using.

  • You have told lies to cover up your loved one’s drinking or using.

  • You look for hidden alcohol or drugs.

  • You feel like a failure because you can’t control their drinking or using.

  • You feel anxious, confused or depressed most of the time.

  • You feel like no one understands your situation.

  • Your savings are mysteriously disappearing.

  • You keep trying to make things better and nothing helps.

  • You spend nights waiting for your loved one to come home.

  • You worry about their physical safety.

  • You have been hurt or embarrassed by your loved one’s behavior.

therapy for people affected by somebody else's addiction

 Like my clients, you deserve to be free to be yourself again.

The chance to enjoy life is not out of your reach.

You don’t have to suffer. I can help you.